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Team 18 X 4ks V Dóze Navíc Tuba Na Sbírání Míčů
18x BabolatTeam 4ks V Dóze

Good performance pressurized ball at a fair price.

The Babolat Team belongs to the most popular balls of French manufacturers and convinces due to its price / performance ratio.

This ball has excellent playing characteristics as well as high durability and long life. The double Vulcanization and the high-performance felt ExtraFeelFelt make it particularly popular with competition and club players. As far as Price / performance ratio this ball has been in the top ten for a long while. The Babolat Team is approved by ITF, FFT, FIT and RFET.

Get your Babolat Team 4X and get prepared for your next match!

  • A premium pressurized ball for players with high demands.
  • Excellent Price/performance ratio.
  • approved by ITF, FFT, FIT and RFET.
  • proven rubber mix and high quality felt.

1x Tennis-PointRoura Na Sbírání Míčů - Žlutá, Černá

Zbierajte loptičky jednoducho a pohodlne.

S trubicou na zber loptičiek Tennis-Point.
Zbierajte ľahko až 17 tenisových loptičiek bez toho, aby ste sa museli zohýbať.
Trúbku pritlačte na loptičky a otočením ju vysypte.
Dĺžka: cca 115 cm

Trubica na zber loptičiek je vybavená popruhom na prenášanie a háčikom na zavesenie na sieť alebo plot.

S veľkým nápisom Tennis-Point.

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Babolat Team 18 X 4ks V Dóze Navíc Tuba Na Sbírání Míčů

Art. No: 0092340137500000

172,95 € -9% 157,95 € 18 STCK | 8,78 €/STCK
Cenová stupnice
Pridať do zoznamu želaní
na sklade
3-4 Pracovné dni
Doprava zdarma od hodnoty objednávky 99,00 €
30 dní práva na vrátenie tovaru
vrátane DPH, vrátane dopravy