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Materiál Polyurethan
Štruktúra Multifunkční kužely
Spin málo
Jemné Rameno stredná
Herná Sila Hráč turnaja, Klubový hráč, Začiatočníci
Délka 12,2 m


NXT Výpletová Sada 12,2m - Přírodní Barvy

The worlds most popular multi-fibre tennis string is the NXT!

The state-of-the-art tennis string

The High Performance Synthetic string for even more feeling is equipped with many extras. For this reason the propriety Xycro micro-fibres are impregnated with PU for better performance. As with a natural gut string it reduces vibration on impact and relieves the arm. This makes the NXT the most popular multi-filament string worldwide.

Polyurethane coated with the feeling of a natural gut string: that is the latest accessory!

  • For players who demand performance without loss of arm protection and comfort
  • Multi-filament fibres impregnated with polyurethane
  • Improves performance and playing experience
  • A more reasonable alternative to natural gut strings

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Wilson NXT Výpletová Sada 12,2m

Art. No: 00752601976000

27,00 € -26% 19,95 € 12.2 Metr - měřič | 1,64 €/Metr - měřič
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na sklade
4-5 Pracovné dni
Doprava zdarma od hodnoty objednávky 99,00 €
30 dní práva na vrátenie tovaru
vrátane DPH, Zoradených podľa prepravných nákladov
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