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Velikost Hlavy 645 cm²
Náhled Výpletu 16/19
Váha Bez Výpletu 257 g
Délka  686 mm
Balanční Bod  330 mm


Ultra 100UL V4.0 Turnajová Raketa (Vypleteno)
Be brave!

With the Wilson Ultra 100UL, you leave painful failures behind, success alone lies ahead. As part of the Ultra range you profit from noticeable power in the Ultra 100UL. You will find it easier to place your balls. At the same time your performance will improve noticeably.

The versatile Ultra 100UL racket will help you to develop your strengths. Whether it be a carefully placed serve, a forceful smash, or whipping forehand - with the Ultra 100UL it will succeed.

Be sure to get the Wilson Ultra 100UL and show your opponent how to play tennis!

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Wilson Ultra 100UL V4.0 Turnajová Raketa (Vypleteno)

Art. No: 00706003842000

200,00 € -28% 143,95 €
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